Sometimes, I look at my hands and realize that I am old. Not older. Old.
I think that no matter what you do to make the rest of you look young, your hands will always show your age. Or at the very least, your hands will show how much you've been through. And nothing you do, except wear gloves, can hide that fact.
My hands are very vascular. That's a fancy word for saying that my hands are very veiny. There is very little to no fat in my hands. Probably because I work very hard. Probably because I am most comfortable working in conditions where my hands are in motion.
But it's not just the veins. It's the fact that my hands are the only part of my body that are wrinkled. My fingers remind me of the rings of a tree. Even when I moisturize them, they are very wrinkled. Even the palms of my hands have wrinkles. The sink is tight but definitely wrinkled.
On top of that, my hands also have various nicks and callouses. The callouses are from years of tennis and handling pots. The nicks are from years of manual labor. Plus, I have never been known to take care of my cuticles. I'm just not that type of gay.
I think what really makes me feel old is not the fact that my hands look old. I accept that. I think it's because when I look at them, they remind me of my mother at my age. Later.