There are many things I don't understand about mankind. But today, I am going to focus on one thing. How does one grow up and never learn how to cook anything? But first let me clarify some things.
Following directions on the back of a box of instant food does not constitute cooking to me. It just means that you know how to follow directions. Bringing home food from the Prepared Foods counter and heating it up in the microwave does not count either.
Please note that I don't think one has to heat up the stove to cook. Creating salads from raw ingredients is an art in itself. So, let's go back to cooking something. To me cooking is taking some raw ingredients and putting them together to create a composed & complete meal that satisfies someone hungry.
As someone who works in a food store, I am often baffled by people who's carts are filled with instant frozen meals. Or boxes of instant food. Or basically, no raw ingredients. How do you get to adulthood without even knowing how to properly cook some pasta and tossing it with some veggies, maybe a protein of some sort, and some sauce? How can you not take some raw chicken, season it, and bake it in an oven?
It scares me that people like this exist. Cooking is a basic life skill. At least to me. I still remember cooking my first meal. I was the first person home and decided to cook for my family. I took some chicken legs, seasoned them with salt & pepper, put them in a bag with some bread crumbs, shaked, then baked until crisp and done. I also cooked some white rice. And steamed some broccoli. I even created a lemon dressing for the broccoli. AND set the table before my mom and sister got home.
I was 13.
It's sad that at that age, I created a more elaborate meal than some of the people I see shopping at my store. I'll just never understand why they won't even try. Later.