Let's say you are a customer at a store. And you witness another being an asshole to an employee. And it's is more than obvious that the employee is going out of their way to get the asshole what they need. But they continue to berate and talk down to the employee. Do you step in and ask them to stop? Do you tell them that what an ass they are being? Or do you just walk away?
I tell them what an ass they are being. Especially when I can see that the customer is at fault. But I am different. I think people should be nice to people no matter what.
Let's say you are a customer at a store. And you see a mother with 4 kids. The kids are running amok. And at one point one of them begins to run their cart into you. Do you turn around and nicely ask the kid to stop? Do you approach the mother and ask them to tell their kid to stop running their cart into you? Do you smile and just shrug? Or do you approach an employee and ask them to approach the mother?
I turn around and tell the kid to stop but not so nicely. I also tell the mother that her kid keeps running the cart into people and could possible hurt someone; not so nicely either. I hate kids so I don't need to be nice to them since I don't consider them fully-developed people.
Crazy, huh? Think about it as I travel through New Zealand for the next two weeks. Later.