I'm sorry.
I'm sorry to my co-workers who I have made fun of because of their poor retail execution. I need to give you a break because you really are some of the best around.
I'm sorry to the person who forgot to hand in their paperwork in order to be paid this past Friday. I forgot that part of being responsible was relying extensively on others.
I'm sorry to the person who doesn't get promoted just because they have been working for five years now and has only been late 3 times. I forgot that the basic job responsibility of punctuality was a barometer for your un-tapped supervisory prowess.
I'm sorry to the lady who feels it is a bother for her to be woken up at 9:00am because there are trucks delivering products to businesses in New York City. I understand that you escaped the hustle and bustle of the countryside.
I'm sorry that your absent husband has burdened you with your six children and that your 13-year old is now "a man" and is allowed to do whatever he wants and that you are sleep-deprived because your duty is to serve your family and that you cannot call to complain on Saturday mornings because you are not allowed to use technology because your religion has not been able to keep up with the evolution of the rest of mankind.
I'm sorry to the person who we won't hire because you had the bad judgment of stealing from your last job. And that you are not being given a chance. And for the record, if you want a job, having a poor attitude toward a potential employer is not going to get you one.
I'm sorry to all customers who think that customer service has gone down the drain. It's not the employees who have to burden all the blame. Most of us are only reacting to your lack of pleasant attitude, your need for attention, your fake air of superiority, and void of compassion you seem to be hoarding.
But most of all, I am sorry that I have the ability to keep my fucking ducks in a row making the rest of you look like poor representations of responsibility, mediocre forms of humanity, and enormously ignorant buffoons. Later.