I think my life would be easier if I were just skinny. I don't mean just weigh less. I currently weigh 192.6 pounds. Which is actually two pounds less than the beginning of the summer. But, I think it would just be easier if I was back down to 160 pounds. So, my goal is to start doing Crystal Meth.
Don't judge.
Actually, I used to do a myriad of circuit party drugs. Which is how I got down to 160 pounds. I was all head and calves. I actually fit into a size 4 women's overalls at one point. It was quite fabulous. Of course, I hated Tuesdays. For those of you not initiated to the circuit boy world, Tuesday was the day that you came down off your drug-induced high. And yes, I held a full-time job as well.
So, back to my metamphetamine use. I would never tell someone to do drugs. Unless you just want to get really skinny quickly. Of course, you may get addicted or even die but you do get skinny. Except for that one guy that I knew on the circuit scene who was a major Tina Freak. Tina was the slang for Crystal meth. He did so much Tina but for some reason never ever lost weight. I wonder what his eating habits were in private.
Ok, so back to me being skinny. I just want to be thin. I just want to be able to buy a pair of 28-inch waist pants. I don't ever remember buying a pair of 28-inch waist anything. I remember going down to 32 at one point but that was about it. Maybe I should have started using cocaine as well. I did actually but never really found it interesting. Plus the coke-heads I knew bored the crap out of me. The boys who used K with Tina were far more fun.
Anyhoo... so, for the rest of the summer. I am going to try to be dairy-free. Lactose seems to make me feel fat. I am also going to try to eat mostly unprocessed close-to-whole-state foods. What that means is that I avoid refined anything. Which means that I will crave sugar more than anything. Which means that I will be cranky since I cannot have it. Which means that I will be one major bitch unless I am working out or dancing. But who cares... I will be as close to thin as I can get. Later.