Everything happens for a reason.
Even if you do believe that, there is still satisfaction in seeing people practically trip over to ask you to do something that you were not even offered the chance to do to begin with. Not that I am a vindictive, jaded bitch... but I am.
But, things do happen for a reason. I love my current job. My schedule is basically what I want it to be. I have the respect of both my Leadership, my peers, and the people that I teach. I won't be changing my situation any time soon. But when you are asked to do something that you wanted about six months ago but were then denied the chance to even interview for it because other candidates were supposedly more qualified, you relish in the fact that those who denied you to begin with recognize that you were the perfect candidate to begin with.
They say payback is a bitch. It is. It's also a bitch to see the perfect candidate say... Later.