There was an article a couple of days ago in the NYTimes. It talked about America slowing becoming "green". It talks about how a part of American society is changing the way it consumes. They buy organic food, bedding, and clothing. They use compact fluorescent bulbs. They have hybrid cars. They use natural cleaning solutions. But, as much as this is a "good thing", they still consume a lot more than they should.
I have always wondered if people realize that despite their efforts to "be green", they still over-consume. Something as simple as buying the latest electronic gadget (especially when the one you currently have serves its function) is over-consuming. Do you always finish the water in your store-bought bottled water? Or do you leave with some at the bottom then send the rest to landfill? Or do you just turn on the tap for some refreshing water? Is your air-conditioning unit on much longer than it should be? Are you turning off lights you are not using? Do you really need that much organic food?
I applaud those who make the decision to buy sustainable agriculture. I applaud those who make the decision to recycle? I applaud those who look for ways to lessen our dependency on oil. I applaud those who cultivate gardens to help lessen carbon dioxide. I hope that more do. I just hope that someday, our society realizes that part of the effort of "going green" is to lessen the amount we consume. Later.