In the workplace, when does one stop being "politically correct" and start being "business-ly"? In my new position, one of my tasks is to create/teach classes that will improve our dwindling customer service. In the past, we have been very careful about what we say. I have decided that we are done with that and we need to start giving these ghetto folk we hire the proper verbiage.
Our talent pool is not so much. Actually, it's more like a talent puddle. I work with a lot of people who have not gone past the eight grade and mainly because they had a child. They have no interaction or conversational skills. They are dumb as fucking rocks. Most of them cannot form a sentence, verbally or manually. It is quite irritating. So, my leadership team has decided that it is time to change that. Truth is, like it or not, if you work in our company, you are expected to speak a certain way. God knows, we pay them a enough money to do so.
The other thing we are going to teach is body language. Honestly, if you hate being where you are, then leave. Go back to your lame ghetto existence and stop being here. We don't need it. I would rather wait in line for someone nice and pleasant than be waited on immediately by someone who does not even give two cents about whether or not they or I exist.
I think it's time. I think the bullshit about circumstances and upbringing is over. I think it's time to have some responsibility. You want respect, then give respect. It's that easy. Later.