Vegan Cleanse Day 2 Menu
Protein shake
Eggplant, string bean, & tomato stir-fry with brown rice and white beans
Mint tea with lemon & Stevia
Whole grain vegan bread with honey roasted peanut butter (1.5 sandwiches)
1/2 cup of mixed roasted nuts
1 cup of roasted cauliflower with tomatoes, tumeric, and mustard seeds
1/2 cup steamed broccoli
Whole wheat penne with mushroom, pepper, and peas sauce
1/2 cup of dried bananas
I was feeling a bit weak and out-of-sorts. Slightly more than normal. Even with a cough. Then after looking at the above menu, I realized that I have not even consumed anywhere near the amount of calories that I normally do. I need to bump up my intake for the amount of output I tend to have.