Things that I am over:Double-wide strollers manned by mothers who think they always have the right of way.
Those yellow bracelets - and all other copycats.
Diets that eliminate or excessively restrict any types of food.
People who use "sorry" in place of "excuse me" or "pardon" - and not because you didn't hear them the first time.
My gay community's body dismorphia, obsessive worshipping of perfection, and youth-centered mindset.
The "I only eat salad" excuse.
People who show up for work but don't seem to realize that they did.
Supplements, vitamins, and food substitutes.
People who grow up without the ability to "sound out" words, read above a 6th grade education, or any kind of desire to learn.
Our dumb-ass President who sounds like a reject-pile robot... from the 1950's.
Anyone who supports the dumb-ass.
The idea that options don't exist - i.e. "How can you not believe in God. You have to believe in something!"
AAGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH... there, I feel better. Later.