So, last night, I went to my first wedding in four years. Within those four years, I decided to turn down all wedding invitations because I have found them, well, stupid. It's all the pomp and circumstance that 50% of the time ends in some break-up. The last wedding I went to, before last night, ended with my sister and several cousins not talking to the bride PLUS their respective families being "chilly" to one another. Then, the whole gays-not-being-allowed-to-wed issue came up and I refused to be at any type of heterosexual celebration of the supposed sanctity of marriage. If I can't have it, why should you?
Well, the couple that got married last night were such a nice couple that when Mike asked me to go, I said yes. On top of the fact that the wedding was in their backyard, in the evening, next to their candlelit pool, on a cool night, on a fairly large property, COCKTAILS WERE SERVED DURING THE WEDDING CEREMONY!!!!!! Now that, my dear readers, is a reason to celebrate. The bride and groom looked fantastic, especially while I was sipping champagne. The setting was beautiful, especially while I was sipping champagne. The atmosphere was joyous, especially while I was sipping champagne. Did I mention the champagne?
The reception was about 20 feet away from the pool under a tent. They had a dancefloor with a live band. NO SEATING ARRANGEMENT!!! (Loved that) They had freshly grilled chicken breast, prime rib, potatoes, vegetables, and asparagus. I mean, fresh of the grill behind the buffet table. People danced. People mingled. I went back for thirds. Coffee was great (especially since the temperature began to drop). Cake was scrumptuous. We were done by ten. Home by 11. In bed and asleep by 11:30. And did not get up until 11:00am.
This, dear reader, is the way to have a wedding. Not the silly walk down the aisle with 10 bridesmaids. Not with a wedding dress that cost in the tens-of-thousands (although Mary's dress was definitely not inexpensive. And the shoes!). And not with family squabling to sit or not sit next to whom. I still won't go to weddings. And this may be the last one for a while. BUT if they continue to be like this, I may have to rethink my stance.
Oh, and one last thing: the last line of the invitation stated, "Your presence is your gift." Beautiful. Later.