My first anniversary is approaching. My first anniversary at my job. This must mean that I actually like working there. To be honest, I really do like working there. It's relatively simple work. It's relatively drama-less. It pays well. It has great benefits. And, most importantly, it fuels my total lack of faith in our society.
If you have not been following along, I work for a natural/organic grocery chain. Keep that in mind. So, you ask, what makes me have no faith in my fellow human beings? Here are some of the questions I've been asked:
"Do you sell salt?"
"Excuse me, which way is out? I'm lost."
"How do I pay for these products?"
"I paid $3 less per pound two years ago. Can I have it for that price?"
"Oh, in the produce section. Mmmm, what's the produce section?"
"Uhhhh, what do people use applesauce for?"
"Do you sell underwear?"
"Excuse me, do you work here?" (note: I wear a green apron with our logo on it while I work)
"I don't have my glasses and I am getting a colonoscopy. Can you read the ingredients for me?"
"How do you eat this cereal?"
And, by far, my favorite:
"Ohhh, you should know, where do you keep the Chinese food things? You know, those mandarin orange things."
Ahhh... nothing makes me feel better than having my disdain for our society justified. Later.