Every two or three months, I pull out my shoe collection. First, I dust and clean any that need it. Then, I polish the leather and finish it by buffing with a soft-bristled brush. Yes, I am that obsessed. As a finishing touch, I put on a pair of dress socks and try on every pair. This includes walking from the bedroom to the coat closet to see what the shoes look like in the mirror. My husband wonders about me sometimes.
I have 14 pairs of dressy/fashionable/come-fuck-me shoes PLUS two pairs of sneakers, two pairs of dressy-casuals, two pairs of free work shoes, two pairs of hiking boots, and a pair of clogs. Do flip-flops count as shoes? If so, then I have three of those plus a pair of sandals for the summer. Some of my old friends call me "Imelda".
Yes. I have a shoe obsession. I love shoes. I love all kinds of shoes. I tend to spend a huge amount on a pair. I believe that your feet are one of the most important and valuable things on your person. Take care of them. I have significantly stopped buying anymore dress shoes because I just don't have anywhere to put them. I really can't afford anymore. Okay, maybe I have just prioritized my spending. I still do love going shopping for them. Occasionally, I will get a nice pair just for kicks (hee hee).
This brings me to my goal for the summer. I want to wear each pair at least once before the summer ends. This will involve going to fabulous dinners, fashionable bars/lounges, and fun parties. So, if you please, feel free to invite me to your shindig. I would love to wear a pair of my classic Patrick Cox Wanna-be's to it. Thanks for the help. Later.