A month and a half ago, my partner decided to start the South Beach Diet. After rolling my eyes a couple of times, I decided to do what I always do for him - I make sure that the food I cook and any food stocked in our pantry is appropriate for the diet.
I do have some leighway because there are things that I can stock that I know he will not have the motivation to cook hence he will not eat them. I stock some rice noodles and potatoes for those moments that I am craving starch. I cook white rice because he is not a fan of it and it also satisfies my Asian-self. But overall, I avoid stocking any type of wheat product (pasta, crackers, breads) and fill the fridge with vegetables, hard-boiled eggs, fat-free cheese, and the such.
As a person who has continued to battle the bulge successfully by proper nutrition and exercise, I tend to frown on any diet plan that eliminates any foods from consumption. I feel that if you want fried cheese bits, then have fried cheese bits. If you are craving a banana split, then dig in. But because he is my partner, I support.
Well, as of today, he has lost ten pounds and is feeling very good about himself. I am ecstatic for him. I guess in the end, as a fitness instructor, above and beyond all the positive physical results of exercising, in the end, one hopes that mentally people will feel good about themselves. It give me so much joy to hear someone tell me that taking my class lifts their spirits and helps them forget all their problems for an hour.
Exercise can help you achieve your physical ideal but even if you do achieve that, it does not matter unless you are happy with your results. How many times has one met someone who is physically amazing but continues to think they need bigger biceps, a smaller waist, and thicker calves? I personally find people like that boring, stupid, and, frankly, imbecillic.
On a side note, because of the change in eating habits, many have noted my suddenly svelte and lean physique. The cute trainer at the gym even said that I looked stronger and more cut. Maybe I shouldn't make fun of this diet. Later.