Don't cry out loud
Just keep it inside
Learn how to hide your feelings.
Fly high and proud
And if you should fall,
Remember you almost had it all.
Even though the lyrics to this song are very repressive, there is something about it that makes me feel strong whenever I hear it. Maybe it's meaning goes deeper than the obvious.
Melissa Manchester has occasionally changed the chorus to
"So cry out loud, Don't keep it inside, Don't learn how to hide your feelings." Maybe back in the 80's those changes meant more.
Nowadays, I think the lyrics hold a different meaning. Instead of bemoaning your failures, take control, actions speak louder than words, be proud of your accomplishments, and, in the end, better to have lost than not tried at all.
Maybe I am going too deep into these lyrics. For myself, what I consider my failures at the gym are not something I ever "cry out loud" about. I went from 220-lbs. of fat to 140-lbs. of bone to 175-lbs. of lean muscle. I still wish that I was skinnier. But I also know that whining about it will not get me where I would like to be physically. If there is one thing we should all do is "fly high and proud" and remember that we should be proud of our accomplishments... "remember we almost had it all". Later.