Last Wednesday, I embarked on a seven-day cleansing. It really is not a traditional cleansing but more of a dietary change to determine what my body is going through. I've been feeling lethargic and not-my-best lately. My self-imposed cleansing consisted of eating only plant-based food products - lots of soy-based products. On top of it all, I eliminated all caffeine, sugar, wheat product, and processed foods.
Well, I am happy to tell you that I feel cleansed. The first obvious result is "being regular". Not that I was not to be begin with but I am exceptionally regular. Fiber is definitely your friend.
I do feel much more energetic and spriteful (is that a word?) but that may be due to my sleeping more. You see, I did not stop my regular exercise schdule; which is more intense than the average workout schedule. I found that after exercise, I found myself taking naps. Lots of naps. Longer than usual naps. It seems that my body needed more rest than normal. I am guessing that this may be because of the change in caloric-intake. It was just that I could not keep my eyes open.
I have gotten rid of the lingering cough that I had. I have a hard time recovering from coughs and colds to begin with. My friend, Janice, suggested that I may have developed a food allergy which resulted in a throat irritation hence a cough. I am actually going to try cutting out dairy for a week to see what happens. Which I will probably follow-up with cutting out wheat products for a week to also see what happens.
Today is a my first day being off this cleansing. I do miss meat. Three days ago, I planned my first meal post-cleansing. It's going to be pasta with meat sauce; no cheese though. I am looking forward to it. Later.