When I was growing up, my family didn't have a lot of money. On top of that, my parents were very frugal. It's a trait that I have picked up. I remember wanting things like Atari, Nintendo, and even Texas Instruments. My parents would not have any of it. Instead, they gave me one dollar a week to play video games at the arcade every Friday night.
Well, fast forward to today... I am considering buying an old Nintendo 64 system plus the Mario Tennis game. I love Mario Tennis. Come to think of it, I love any type of tennis video game. I can't get into a lot of the new games. The graphics and all the other things going on just do not excite me. I tend to like things like Pac-Man, Dig Dug, baseball... simple stuff.
So, I went on Ebay to see if I could find a Nintendo 64 and I did. I found one for $20 (which included 6 games) and I found the Mario Tennis for $5. But for some reason, I can't get myself to buy it. I think it may be the frugal-part of me. I would like to think I could get over that, but I am not sure.
My partner said that if I get it, I will rarely see the light of day. Or the light of the gym. I don't think I will be that crazy... uh, after a couple of weeks. So, why can't I just do it? This worries me. Later.