I am horrified. Absolutely horrified. While serving lunch at the private school cafeteria I cook for, I overheard some 8th grader metion that he was "doing Atkins". After recovering from shock, I began to wonder what media and and it's sources are doing to upcoming generations. It seems like we went from one extreme to another: Over-eating to excessive restriction. Should kids in grade school really be "dieting"? More importantly, what are parents teaching their kids? Do today's parents realize that their actions speak louder than words? Remember those public service announcements where the child tells the father that he learned to smoke pot from him? Maybe we need to have the same things for eating habits.
I am tired. I am very tired of hearing the general public talk about reducing the number of carbohydrates they intake. Overall, I guess this is fine but the wording is scary. Rather than talk about reducing your "carb intake", talk about eating a more balanced meal. Better yet, GET YOUR FAT ASS TO SOME EXERCISE, QUICK! Is the problem really what we eat? I don't think so. Some of the people I know eat anything they want and yet still are very healthy. The bottom line is: as long as you have some form of regular exercise, you can intake almost any type of calorie within moderation. I myself enjoy crispy chicken skin once in a while. I certainly don't make a meal of it. Secondly, I make sure that I get some execise on a regular basis.
I am disgusted. I am disgusted that as a society, we always want to find the "band-aid" for our actions. We go on the South Beach Diet because somewhere in our past, we forgot about portion control. We cut out entire food groups because we think it will help us achieve our health goals in one-fourth of the time. We attend the gym religiously for two weeks in January because we think it will make up for being absent for the past two months. We sue, protest, and boycott because we don't really want to admit that we do have control over our actions.
I wish I could have told that 8th grader's parents to take their horribly disgusting tired fat ass to the gym, stay away from the Hagen Daaz, and start being a good example to their children. Later.