As many of you know, things bother me. Certainly, a lot of things about the gym bother me. Lack of air conditioning, broken equipment, poor staffing: it all bothers me. But this all pales in comparison to the fact that the leader of the country that I immigrated to AND became a citizen of AND gladly & willingly pay taxes to BOTHERS me.
I am concerned that George and Laura Bush don't think that gays don't deserve the same rights as heterosexuals. I am very concerned that the Bushes think that being gay is so lowly that they want to make it unconstitutional for us to receive the same rights as any other human being who lives in the USA. Isn't that what gay marriage is really about? What we really want is to have the same rights that heterosexuals get when they get married. That's all. That simple. We just want to be treated like the rest of the human race which we happen to belong to. We don't want special treatment. We don't want different treatment. We just want what all other human beings who get married are allowed to get when they do get married.
Why do George and Laura think that we don't matter? Why don't they see us as human beings who contribute to this world equally as the rest? Are George and Laura really that ignorant that they can only think that marriage is between a man and a woman? Fine let it be legally defined as between a man and woman. Then change the laws allowing for civil unions between both homosexuals and heterosexuals. Marriage used to be the way society defined how two people entered a legal and loving partnership. That is no longer true. Our world has changed.
What bothers me is that the country that I belong to and which I contribute to is run by someone who considers me second-class. It bothers me that he may get re-elected. It bothers me that the most-likely Democratic Candidate for the President also does not believe in same-sex marriages. Where is the world who watches Queer Eye and Will & Grace? Where is this supposed world where homosexuals are allowed to exist with the same rights as others? Someone please tell me so that I can move there. Later.