I am getting very old! After teaching step class last night, I noticed something was different. I noticed that my legs were feeling unusually tired. Specifically, I could feel my knee joints "asking" me to sit down. Since I had to teach an Abdominals and Sculpt class, I could not really sit down. During my Abs class, I decided to teach some lower back exercises. As I was demonstrating these, I felt my back. Not in a bad way but I felt myself working hard to lift off the floor.
Fast forward to this morning: My heel is screaming for mercy! Now, I have had a recurring heel probem aka Plantar Faciaitis. But even with this ailment, I continue to teach and workout. It hurt so much I decided to ice it this morning. I did still go to the gym to lift some weights but I am disappointed that I could not take a step class. Honestly, I decided to listen to my own advice and rest my injury.
Is that what getting old does to a person? Do your joints scream in pain because of exercises that you used to do without thinking twice? Do your muscles refuse to work as hard as they used to? Do you actually listen to your advice and give your body a chance to rest and heal? Does becoming wiser indicate becoming older? I am concerned. Later.