As I have said before, I tend to come across tons of diet/eating fads. Some of which have legitimate health benefits and some of which are legitimate health hazards. A lot of new "eating" advice is being geared towards the health benefits of foods that have been around forever and were once thought off as "not good for you".
For Example:
Red wine is good for the heart -
well, maybe. Studies do show various chemical compounds that help prolong cell life. Then, there is the big French fact that they have less heart problems but eat richer food. Well, I am here to say that red wine is not going to improve your health if you continue to introduce stress in your life. If you come into my wine store and are so stressed out over getting the red wine with the highest amount of Resveratrol (THE compound), then perhaps wine is not what you need.
Chocolate is good for the cardiovascular system -
not really. The oils in cocoa may have some health benefits in small doses but the amount of sugar in most chocolate consumed in the USA could give anyone a diabetic coma. Plus small amounts does not mean a king-size bag of M&M's. If you really want to do something to benefit your cardiovascular system, try doing some aerobic exercise. The walk to the store to pick up the Snicker's bar is not considered exercise.
Maybe a glass of red wine or a piece of chocolate can help your health. For me at least, these things help me destress and put me in a more positive frame of mind. Like all things in life, moderation is the key. But, if you ask me, not that you did, the real answer is alleviating stress from your life. Later.