I got to thinking about the choices we make as human beings when it comes to our weight. This is going to sound like a callous blanket statement (and it probably is): the reason most of America is overweight is because they are greedy and lazy. Okay, there, I said it.
I was watching the weight loss special with Dr. Phil & Katie Couric and noticed that neither of them ever suggested that any of the overweight guests cut down on the amount of food they intake and increase their physical activity. A lot was said about dealing with the emotions within and coming to terms with who you are. Okay, okay, so I am not Madonna but I still like to eat donuts (just the originals from Krispy Kreme).
As much as I do believe that dealing with your psychological health will help you deal with your physical health, I do not believe that the answer to obesity is healing from within. The answer is portion-control and exercise. In addition, if you happen to want to supersize your fries (which I do!), you must accept the consequences and get some extra exercise time in. The biggest problem with "healing from within to change your appearance" is that when one hits another emotional bump, they revert to that person who uses Little Debbie snack cakes as their therapy. (Don't they know that alcohol is so much better for that?)
If you learn to adjust your food intake and increase your caloric output, which are much more controlable than your emotions, when you do hit that emotional down, you will be able to make choices that won't "tip the scale" in a not-so-positive way. I speak from experience when I say that no matter how many ups and downs I have had, I have been able to maintain a weight that I consider healthy for the past 15 years. All this due to the fact that I understand that what I take in, I must also be able to burn if I want to maintain a healthy weight.
So, when that cute boy at the bookstore turns you down for a date OR you don't get your dream job, go ahead and feel miserable, just remember that have a cookie or eight and get your ass to my step class. Later.