Ahhhhh! Summer at the gym can be glorious. This is what the gym experience should always be like. Most classes are not jam-packed (thank goodness that some people are taking advantage of the nice weather). The gym floors tend to be more manageable (maybe due to the fact that people have more flexible summer hours at their jobs). Overall, the general feeling at the gym is one of laid-back non-chalance. I love it.
I love the people who come to the gym in the summer. Most of them are there because they want to be; not because they have nowhere else to go. My classes tend to be populated by people who are there to take class and make the best of it. It reminds me why I enjoy teaching. Very few things can compare to the joy an instructor gets when teaching to a group of people who are giving back the same energy that is being sent out. By the end of class I am glowing with energy. I guess it also helps that there is this sudden rise in percentage of beautiful people in class (both male and female).
It's true that the "slackers" who show up for class during the winter and post-holiday periods tend to be "not too attractive". The "regulars" tend to have a glow that makes them extremely luscious. This is all probably due to the endorphin rush and, let's face it, if you work out on a regular basis, you tend to achieve a body that makes you feel confident and positive about life in general. Which, for those of you who don't know, can be infectuous.
I love my regulars who have benefited from my class to some degree. Now, I am not talking physical benefits although some have achieved that result. I am talking about the relaxed and cheerful attitude that these people bring. I have always said that I don't care what your body looks like - it really does not matter. There is so much more to someone who enjoys the psychological benefits of working out rather than the physical. The people who have a smile when they come in because they know that this is their time and they are in charge of it.
These are the people I adore. The ones who have made a choice and are sticking to it. The individuals who are coming to class to improve their health to go along with their healthy mindset NOT to improve their physical appearance so as to improve their psychological one. They are the ones who make it worthwhile even when I feel like "jumping off the ledge". So thanks to them all - they are the reason why I am here. Later.