Sorry for the lag in blogging. I have been busy moving to a new home. Anyway, here is my take on Fitness Trainers at your local gym. Remember that not all trainers are like the ones described below, it just seems like they are.
Fitness Trainers
Why can't you ever find a fitness trainer on the gym floor whenever you need one? That's because they are either hanging out in the lockerroom with their friends loudly discussing what they did last weekend, hiding in the employee lounge to avoid answering questions about exercise that you might have, or holeing themselves up in the most secluded part of they gym so that they avoid they daily duties like replacing dumbells, properly restacking weight plates, or wiping down the machines.
Should I ask my fitness trainer about what proper foods to eat and supplements to take? Remember that trainers are certified to dispense proper workout techniques for the average healthy individual. Some trainers do have specialty certifications that require more in-depth study and practice; nutrionist is more than just some specialty certification - it's a college-level degree. If you are comfortable getting nutritional advice from somebody who read a book and circled the correct answers on a test, then ask away. Most trainers should either advice you to follow a healthy balanced diet of carbohydrates, protein, and fat. Personally, I would rather put my money on a nutritionist. Be wary of trainers who insist that you intake more protein and ingest various types of supplements that you can barely pronounce. Run away fast.
Before I get into my next comment about Fitness Trainers, I want to tell all that are reading that I do not in anyway believe any fitness trainer should look a certain way. Trainers should look healthy and look like they exercise. However, they should not look like they go home after work for a six-pack of Molson and a large pizza with extra cheese. Be wary of:
beer-bellied fitness trainers (especially if they dispense nutritional information)
trainers who have thicker arms than legs
trainers that have big hair, big nails, and too much make-up
unkept and dishelved looking trainers
trainers who have thicker necks than limbs
trainers who have more "rolls" than a bakery
smelly/stinky trainers
trainers who are more interested in the cutie working out next to you
trainers who stare at themselves in the mirror
Even though we all have different physiques, we still are in an industry that is exceptionally image conscious. Fitness Trainers should have a healthy, worked-out look NOT a I-just-have-this-job-because-I-am-don't-know-what-else-to-do look. Would you trust your health and well-being witht he latter? Next blog:
Management. Later.